Trading standards investigations & prosecutions

Our lawyers regularly handle issues surrounding various prosecuting agencies including National Trading Standards investigations and prosecutions

The potential effects on a business are substantial as NTS officers may take a number of actions including:-

  • Attend at your business premises without notice
  • Seize your business records including computers, mobile phones and products
  • Seize goods as evidence or for forfeiture.
  • Interview people associated with the business
  • Effect an arrest of any personnel associated with the business (but only if accompanied by the police)
  • Insist on a product recall
  • Issue formal warnings
  • Review any licences granted to the business
  • Issue criminal cautions
  • Interview directors and staff under caution
  • Apply for Restraint Orders freezing an individual or business’ assets
  • Commence criminal prosecutions in the Magistrates’ Court and Crown Court
  • Instigate POCA proceedings for confiscation following conviction

For any business or individual, early intervention is often the most effective action. Businesses will often want to seek advice on their compliance with the relevant regulations before any action has been taken by NTS officers. If you would like to take advice regarding any of the above, speak to our lawyers today to see how we can assist.

Image of Regent Street in London with red bus

Contact our expert national trading standards investigations & prosecutions solicitors

Janes Solicitors provides bespoke specialist advice on all areas of serious and complex fraudregulatorytaxation and serious financial crime matters. With extensive experience in all areas of fraud and financial crime and a well-earned reputation as leaders in our field, our expert defence team take a proactive and pragmatic approach to legal advice and case strategy. We are committed to your successful outcome.  Janes Solicitors pride ourselves on our case tailored approach for each client in and our fearless commitment in each and every case we undertake.

If you or your business have concerns, are under suspicion or investigation or have been arrested or prosecuted for any serious fraud or financial crime offence, contact us today on 020 7930 5100, or via our online contact form.

Robert Berg | Partner

Higher Courts Advocate and
Head of Crime and Extradition
020 7930 5100 | Out of hours: 07789 622 430

Simon Barker | Partner

020 7930 5100 | Out of hours: 07789 622 430

Fiona Gavriel | Partner

020 7930 5100 | Out of hours: 07789 622 430

Need advice? Call us now.
020 7930 5100
Out of hours: 07789 622 430