Mutual legal assistance

Experienced London Solicitors in Mutual Legal Assistance Enquiries.

At Janes Solicitors, we specialise in providing expert legal assistance to clients regarding Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) requests. Mutual Legal Assistance involves cooperation between two or more countries’ legal systems to gather and exchange information for legal proceedings. With our experienced team of solicitors.

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Our mutual legal assistance services

  • International Communication: We manage the communication and coordination between authorities, partners and experts in different jurisdictions.
  • Evidence Collection: Our experts assist in gathering and sharing evidence required for your legal case.
  • Extradition Support: We provide assistance in cases involving the extradition of individuals between countries.
  • Legal Expertise: Our solicitors offer strategic and expert legal guidance.
Image of a black London taxi on a residential street

Contact Janes Solicitors for mutual legal assistance

We understand the complexities of international legal matters and will guide you through the process efficiently. Contact Janes Solicitors today to benefit from our in-depth knowledge of MLA procedures and regulations. Your future is our priority.

Image of the River Thames and London at night
Image of 2 open books and an ink pen

Need advice? Call us now.
020 7930 5100
Out of hours: 07789 622 430